
How to help fight the horror of HS2

HS2, the high speed rail project to connect the north and south via Birmingham, is the biggest environmental catastrophe of our time in the UK. It threatens wildlife, 108 ancient woods, and over 600 nature reserves.

We are facing a climate and biodiversity crisis, we cannot afford to lose these places. The heartbreaking destruction of ancient woods, trees and nature reserves for this railway has begun.

But we can still fight to protect the wild places that are left but still at risk. Here’s how you can help.

The Woodland Trust

I had the priviledge of working at the Woodland Trust for nearly four years. During all that time, and prior to my working there, my team fought to protect the 108 ancient woods and countless trees from HS2’s plans. Without their dedication and expertise even more woods would be at risk. The enemy loomed over us when I worked there yet it never really felt like it would actually happen, until now.

Now they fight to hold HS2 accountable. They need us to join them in pressing the Department for Transport to:

  1. call on HS2 Ltd to publicly commit to saving areas of ancient woodland and ancient and veteran trees.
  2. make sure that HS2 Ltd and its contractors stick to agreed working practices
  3. prevent the same mistakes being repeatedĀ on all future phases.

Support their campaign.

Stand for the Trees

Stand for the Trees is a grassroots group of ordinary people fighting to protect the wild places threatened by HS2. Alongside Chris Packham and other environmental organisations they are campaigning and protesting.

Support their work.

HS2 Rebellion

HS2 Rebellion is an alliance of groups and individuals campaigning against HS2.Ā It is in league with Extinction Rebellion but stands apart from them. They offer lots of different ways people can help protect nature from HS2.

Join the fight.

Stop HS2

Stop HS2 have been fighting to prevent the construction of HS2 for years. They fight to end it because of all it threatens, not just the damage to our environment. This includes the damage to local communities, the lack of business case, and the extortionate cost. Head to their website to learn more about the full implications of HS2 for the UK.

Act to stop HS2.

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